ecto File/Image Upload

This section is provided to give a detailed view of uploading images and files in ecto.

Converting original image

If the image to be uploaded is not what you wish to use, the Conversion Tab allows you to automatically convert the original image to different format and size.

Convert the original image

You can choose the image format for the thumbnail image from the dropdown list. For PNG, an option for interlaced can be set. For JPEG, the image quality can be set.

If you'd like to change the size of your image, choose the 'Resize?' option.

You can choose between specifying the thumbnail's size in pixel or percentage of the original.

The checkbox 'Maintain Proportion' will help keeping your images not to come out looking squished.

When you're ready, click the 'Upload' button and ecto will upload the file and create it's thumbnail if you specified that option. When the upload is completed, the Upload File window will close and the HTML code for your image(s) will be automatically transferred to your post.


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